
Side Plank from Knees

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Cues when performing Side Plank from Knees: Start on your side with your knees bent and one forearm on the ground directly below your shoulder. Contract your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to ankles. Hold for prescribed duration.

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Side Lying Dumbbell External Rotation

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Cues when performing Side Lying Dumbbell External Rotation: Lying on side with elbow braced against side and light dumbbell in hand. Rotation forearm outward by squeezing elbow to side and keeping arm bent to 90 degrees. Some may find comfort having pillow between elbow and side.

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Stir The Pot

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Cues when performing Stir The Pot: Assume the plank position on the stability ball. Brace your trunk musculature maintaining this position throughout the exercise. Move your forearms in a clockwise/counterclockwise position.

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Suitcase Carry

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Cues when performing Suitcase Carry: Grab your weight with enough resistance in one hand. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart with arms at your sides. Begin the movement by engaging the core muscles, pulling your shoulder blades down and back, making sure your posture is upright.

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Ab Prep

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Cues when performing Ab Prep: Begin with spine in neutral position, pelvic floor and deep abdominals lightly engaged, knees bent and feet flat on floor.  Inhale and perform slight head nod lengthening the back of neck. Exhale as you contract abdominals, sliding the ribcage towards the pelvis and rounding your upper back, reaching arms off […]

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Resisted Shoulder External Rotation

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Cues when performing Resisted Shoulder External Rotation: Band anchored perpendicular to and slightly below hand. Pillow squeezed between elbow and side. Keep elbow bent to 90 degrees. Rotate outward without extending, elbow or wrist.

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