
Door Resisted Face Pull

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Cues when performing Door Resisted Face Pull: Hold band or rope pulley attachment out in front with thumbs facing in toward you. Pinch shoulder blades together and pull elbows out to side while pulling hands toward ears above shoulders. Hold 2-3 seconds then return to start position and repeat.

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Door Resisted Row

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Cues when performing Door Resisted Row: Band anchored in doorway in front of you, step back until there is some tension on band. Slightly puff chest out and squeeze shoulder blades back and down. Drive elbow back and down towards your side.

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Door Resisted Single Arm Lat Pulldown

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Cues when performing Door Resisted Single Arm Lat Pulldown: Grab the resistance band with palm facing away from body. Get down on one or two knees with your hands up over your head. Pull shoulder blade back and down. Bring your hands down and out to shoulder height squeezing elbows down towards side.

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Door Resisted Straight Arm Pulldown

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Cues when performing Door Resisted Straight Arm Pulldown: With band anchored high in door way grab ends of band in each hand. Puff chest out and pull shoulder blades down and back. Slightly tuck pelvis by squeezing abs and glutes for stability.

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Eccentric Heel Drop

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Cues when performing Eccentric Heel Drop: Stand at edge of step with heels off the edge. With knees extended push through the ball of both feet until up on toes by squeezing calf muscle. Shift weight over to one foot and slowly lower back to starting position. Place both feet back onto step to begin […]

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exercise to prevent shoulder pain and to strengthen the body.

Lateral Shoulder Raise

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Cues when performing Lateral Shoulder Raise: Keep back straight, brace core, and then slowly lift the weights out to the side. Arms at top position are parallel with floor. Elbows should be slightly bent.

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