Welcome to Tensegrity Physical Therapy

A data driven, research backed, physical therapy center

What is Tensegrity?

Tensegrity is “tensional integrity”, a philosophy that treats the body as an interconnected system of bones and soft tissue in continuous tension. A fully functional body maintains a natural tensional integrity, allowing it to perform optimally.

We use state-of-the-art equipment that provides real-time data metrics to measure and solve dysfunction – Bringing Your Body Back to Tensegrity.

What does tensegrity mean?

Tensegrity is a term that refers to tensional integrity, which characterizes a system or a structure’s ability to mechanically stabilize itself and use forces of compression and tension to create an intricate balance against gravity. Our Tensegrity model of the human body is based on the fact that nothing in the body works in perfect isolation, so instead of viewing our bodies as a bunch different parts stacked together and working independently, we see it as an integral system of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia that work together to hold our bodies up and allow us to function. Oftentimes this means that when our patients discuss their pain, we can trace the dysfunction that’s causing their pain, to other parts of their body, and with manual therapy, strength training, and our diagnostic equipment we are able to treat these dysfunctions, improve one’s movement patterns, and alleviate pain.

Our Facility

From post operation rehabilitation to athletic performance training, our 15,000 sqft facility is equipped to handle it all.  Our facility encompasses the following specialties:

Manual Therapy Clinic

Specialized treatments using hands to diagnose and improve pain, range of motion or strength.

Pelvic Health Center

Health care needs for men and women centered around pain, dysfunction, pregnancy and post – partum conditions.

Performance Enhancement Lab

Athletic optimized regiments for individuals looking to hone their abilities for tournaments, competition, or sport.

Data Analysis Lab

Our lab is equipped with research-level data measuring equipment like instrumented gait analysis and motor activation tools, designed to identify weak points,  track recovery,  and measure gains.

We are one of a handful of private clinics in the country to incorporate this as part of our process.

Get Started Today!

We’ll help you identify your health goals and set a plan for reaching them.

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