
Resisted Shoulder Internal Rotation

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Cues when performing Resisted Shoulder Internal Rotation: Band anchored perpendicular to hand. Keep elbow bent to 90 degrees. Rotate inward without flexing at elbow or wrist.

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Banded Rows

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Cues when performing Banded Rows: Stand with legs about shoulder-width apart, with knees soft or slightly bent. Hold band in one hand, palm facing the body. Bend forward at hips with chest puffed out and pull shoulder blade back while pulling elbow towards side.

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Bent Over Dumbbell Row

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Cues when performing Bent Over Dumbbell Row: Stand with legs about shoulder-width apart, with knees soft or slightly bent. Hold dumbbell in one hand, palm facing the body. Bend forward at hips with chest puffed out and pull shoulder blade back while pulling elbow towards side.

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Bridges with Abduction Double Leg

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Cues when performing Bridges with Abduction Double Leg: Place the band around your knees on lower thighs. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat. Pull feet up towards your butt with feet about hip width. Keep knees spread apart and drive hips up through heels squeezing glutes at the top […]

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Bridges with Abduction Single Leg

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Cues when performing Bridges with Abduction Single Leg: Place the band around your knees on lower thighs. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat. Pull feet up towards your butt with feet about hip width. Keep knees spread apart and drive hips up through heels squeezing glutes at the top […]

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Curl Up

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Cues when performing Curl Up: Lie on your back with one knee bent and the opposite leg straight on the floor. Place hands underneath your lower back and try to push low back into hands. Tuck your chin to maintain a neutral cervical spine (make double chin). Lift your head and shoulder very slightly off […]

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