
Single Leg Stretch

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Cues when performing Single Leg Stretch: Begin in an imprinted position with legs at tabletop and upper body rounded off mat in ab prep position. Inhale to prepare, exhale and extend one leg on the diagonal, moving outside hand to ankle and inside hand to the knee of the bent leg. Exhale and fully extend […]

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Thoracic Rotation

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Cues when performing Thoracic Rotation: Lie on your side with hip and knee bent to 90 degrees. Extend both arms in front of you. Open top arm creating half a circle overhead.

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QL Stretch

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Cues when performing QL Stretch: Starting on hands and knees sink butt back toward feet. With arms straight out, now overhead with hands still on the floor. Walk hands to side to stretch opposite QL.

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Filed Under

Cues when performing Lat Stretch: Kneel on ground/mat and sit back onto the heel. Place elbows to the box. Slowly fold and draw your chest to the ground.

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Hip Flexor

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Cues when performing Hip Flexor Stretch: Kneel maintaining a straight, tall spine. Posterior tilt while squeezing glute muscles. Hold stretch position for 30-45 seconds.

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Stretching Calf

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Cues when performing Calf Stretch: Stand near a wall with one foot in front of the other, front knee slightly bent. Keep your back knee straight, heel on the ground, and lean toward the wall. Feel the stretch all along the calf of your back leg.

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