We have a great team of Physical Therapists here on staff at Tensegrity. They each bring something unique to our team and are a huge part of what makes Tensegrity, Tensegrity. We would like to introduce you to our very own, Sean Dorman (DPT).
When did you first decide to become a PT and why?
“In high school, I sustained a couple of injuries playing soccer, and physical therapy was a pretty integral part of my rehab to get back. I always knew I wanted to do something in the health profession, and this seemed like a job where you can be really active and give back to the community that you live in. I applied out of high school and have not ever changed my mind since.”
Where did you go to school?
“I went to Nazareth College in Rochester New York.”
How long have you been a PT and how long have you been at Tensegrity?
“I graduated from PT school in 2014 and I’ve been at Tensegrity since October 2017.
What do you think makes Tensegrity stand apart from other clinics?
“I’ve worked at quite a few places, and they all have been great, however, Tensegrity is head and shoulders above all the other places I’ve ever worked for multiple reasons. I think it is really important to connect with a patient through education when discussing their course of rehab, and the technology we have allows us to better show the progress that each patient is making so that our patients to fully buy into the program. That is where you see the most gains.
The other thing about Tensegrity is that it is a multi-faceted, one care health stop. Usually, patients will be told “Go to physical therapy”, they do their 6 weeks and then they leave, and then they have to go to massage therapy and the chiropractor all in different areas. But here, we are able to put everything all under the same roof, while also adding a naturopath and an acupuncturist. This allows each patient to develop more of a long term relationship with not just their physical therapist but with the entire staff, and the model of Tensegrity.”
What do you like most about being a PT?
“I think every day is different being a PT. There is only a finite number of body parts that come in that you can treat, but every day you are learning something new. I also feel excited to try all the things I’ve always wanted to with all the equipment we have here.
I also really like getting to see the actual change in patients as well. Not just in pain level but also in function.”
How do you incorporate your soccer background into how you treat patients?
“I would say that a big caseload that I have is young soccer players. Most of my life has been spent playing soccer and also coaching with Pelada Football Academy here in Eugene. I now have a good connection between soccer-specific training both here and through Pelada. It has been great getting a lot of the younger players in
It is also great to get to know their families, and then you start building a better relationship because Tensegrity is that one stop shop. You got your soccer player here, and then all of a sudden it’s the brother, the sister, the mom, dad, the grandparent, and then the neighborhood friends, and it just continues to build this relationship. It gets to a point where if you go outside in the community, you take the knowledge of being a PT with you everywhere with you.”
What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned since working at Tensegrity?
“I’d say that as soon as you think you know something, you don’t. Always stay motivated, and continue to learn, not just for yourself, but to improve and give the best opportunity for people who come in to improve, and get them back to doing things that they love to do.”