
Isometric Squat

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Cues when performing Isometric Squat: With mini-band around knees and feet just outside shoulder width. Push hips back and squat down keeping shins vertical. Spread band and floor with feet, holding for desired/prescribed length of time. Avoid holding for longer than 1 minute.

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Ball Roll-Out

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Cues when performing Ball Roll-Out: Sit tall with chest up and squeezing glutes. Control the ball moving away from the body. Tighten belly pulling ball back to body maintaining straight spine.

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Bench Press

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Cues when performing Bench Press: Lie on bench with barbell over eye level and hands just outside shoulder width. Squeeze shoulder blades together and puff chest out. Lower bar toward lower chest and press back up until arms are straight.

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Bird Dog

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Cues when performing Bird Dog: Kneel on a mat or floor having knees hip width apart. Stiffen trunk muscles maintaining neutral spine. Avoid any excessive arching or sagging of spine.

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Box Walk

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Cues when performing Box Walk: Get in a hip hinge position with the band above the knees. Sidestep 5 steps, monster walk forward 5 steps, repeat in a box pattern. Spread the band and maintain trunk stiffness.

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Farmer’s Carry

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Cues when performing Farmer’s Carry: Grab your weight with enough resistance in both hands. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart with arms at your sides. Begin the movement by engaging the core muscles, pulling your shoulder blades down and back, making sure your posture is upright.

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