Foam Roller

Lacrosse Ball Glute

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Cues when performing Lacrosse Ball Glute: Place lacrosse ball on the wall and push glute against it. Put as much pressure as you comfortably can. Find tender spots and stay there applying more pressure for 10-20 seconds.

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Lacrosse Ball Infraspinatus

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Cues when performing Lacrosse Ball Infraspinatus: Place lacrosse ball on the wall and lean against it, and hug yourself. Roll around sore area and look for tender spots. Once tender spots are found stay and apply more pressure for 10-20 seconds.

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Lacrosse Ball Quadratus Lumborum

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Cues when performing Lacrosse Ball QL: Place lacrosse ball on the wall and lean against it. Roll around sore area and look for tender spots. Once tender spots are found stay and apply more pressure for 10-20 seconds.

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Lacrosse Ball Thoracic Paraspinals

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Cues when performing Lacrosse Ball Thoracic Paraspinals: Place lacrosse ball on wall and lean against it applying enough pressure. Roll throughout paraspinals to find tender spots. Once tender spots are found stay and apply more pressure for 10-20 seconds.

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Lacrosse Ball Upper Trap

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Cues when performing Lacrosse Ball Upper Trap: Place lacrosse ball against the wall and lean into it at your upper trap. Apply a good amount of pressure and look for the tender spots. Once you find a few tender spots, stay there and apply more pressure for about 10-20 seconds.

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Filed Under

Cues when foam rolling Glute: Fold the leg over the top of your knee. Put as much pressure as you comfortably can. Hand in a sturdy position to prevent falls and roll toward glute on roller.

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